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  • Le PA66 renforcé de fibre de verre brille de mille feux sur le sèche-cheveux
    Dec 21, 2022 Le PA66 renforcé de fibre de verre brille de mille feux sur le sèche-cheveux
    Ces jours-ci, le monde du sèche-cheveux s'est enroulé de manière inattendue. Avant la voie haut de gamme de Dyson, après la voie civile du mil. Sur tous les marchés pacifiques, toutes sortes de marques nationales de sèche-cheveux ont soudainement sauté pour s'emparer du marché Dyson et supprimer le prix de Xiaomi. En un instant, toutes sortes de sèche-cheveux dans l'œil du public. Selon les statistiques, au premier semestre 2021, les ventes au détail de sèche-cheveux en Chine étaient de 2,76 milliards de yuans, en hausse de 41,3 % sur un an, et les ventes au détail étaient de 13,81 millions d'unités, en hausse de 40,9 % sur un an. Avec le développement de la 5G, le sèche-cheveux chinois est entré dans la prochaine génération et la demande des gens pour un sèche-cheveux personnalisé augmente également. At the same time, glass fiber reinforced nylon has quietly become the star material of hair dryer shell, and become the landmark material of the next generation of high-end hair dryer. Glass fiber reinforced PA66 is commonly used in the mouthpiece of high-quality hair dryers to increase strength and heat capacity. However, as the function of the hair dryer becomes more and more demanding, ABS as the main material of the shell is gradually replaced by glass fiber reinforced PA66. At present, the main factors affecting the preparation of high performance glass fiber reinforced PA66 composites include the length of glass fiber, the surface treatment of glass fiber and its retention length in the matrix. So let's take a look at the influencing factors of glass fiber reinforced PA66 production 1. The length of glass fiber The length of fiber is one of the main factors to determine the fiber reinforced composite. In ordinary short fiber reinforced thermoplastics, the fiber length is only (0.2~0.6) mm, so that when the material is damaged by force, because of the short length of the fiber, so that its strength is basically not used, and the purpose of using fiber reinforced nylon is to use the high rigidity and high strength of the fiber to improve the mechanical properties of nylon, So fiber length plays an important role in mechanical properties of products. Compared with short glass fiber reinforced nylon, the modulus, strength, creep resistance, fatigue resistance, impact resistance, heat resistance and wear resistance of long glass fiber reinforced nylon have been improved, and its application in automobile, electrical appliances, machinery and military industry has been expanded. 2. Surface treatment of glass fiber The binding force between glass fiber and matrix is another important factor affecting the mechanical properties of composite materials. Glass fiber reinforced polymers have good properties only when effective interfacial bonding is formed. For glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin or polar thermoplastic resin composites, the surface of glass fiber can be treated with coupling agent to form chemical bond between resin and glass fiber ...
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  • Quelle est la résistance des composites en fibre de carbone à usage humain
    Dec 13, 2022 Quelle est la résistance des composites en fibre de carbone à usage humain
    Le matériau composite en fibre de carbone, également connu sous le nom de plastique renforcé de fibre de carbone, possède d'excellentes propriétés mécaniques et une résistance à la corrosion. Il a été largement utilisé dans la production industrielle, les sports et les équipements de plein air, médicaux et autres. Il a une bonne compatibilité avec le corps humain et peut être utilisé comme os artificiel, articulation, poteau de canal radiculaire dentaire et autres implants. Les composites en fibre de carbone sont sûrs et fiables dans les applications civiles. Fibre de carbone vs composite de fibre de carbone Dans la vraie vie, beaucoup de gens ont tendance à confondre le concept de fibre de carbone et de matériaux composites à base de fibre de carbone. La fibre de carbone n'est pas utilisée directement dans les domaines aérospatial et civil, mais les matériaux composites en fibre de carbone. Les composites en fibre de carbone, également connus sous le nom de plastiques renforcés en fibre de carbone, sont composés d'une fibre de carbone et d'une matrice de résine. Donc, en dehors du processus de fabrication, les gens ne touchent pas du tout à la fibre de carbone. Ils touchent une matrice de résine, qui n'est pas différente des produits en plastique courants. Les composites en fibre de carbone sont largement utilisés Les composites en fibre de carbone ont été largement utilisés dans les domaines civils et leur popularité sur les marchés étrangers est bien supérieure à celle de la Chine. Production industrielle Les composites en fibre de carbone sont largement utilisés dans divers conteneurs de tuyaux résistants à la corrosion, avions, navires et pièces structurelles de véhicules dans la production industrielle. Sports de plein air Les composites en fibre de carbone sont également largement utilisés dans les produits de sports de plein air tels que les raquettes de badminton, les raquettes de tennis, les cannes à pêche, les vélos et les tentes. Appareils et équipements médicaux Dans le domaine des instruments médicaux, il est utilisé pour fabriquer une plate-forme mobile pour instrument d'examen par rayons X par sa transmission complète des rayons X. Utilisant les excellentes propriétés mécaniques du CFRP, il a été utilisé dans la fabrication de greffes orthopédiques et d'organes et d'autres dispositifs médicaux, ainsi que dans la fabrication de prothèses, d'orthèses et d'autres produits de réadaptation. Les composites en fibre de carbone sont largement utilisés dans le corps humain À l'heure actuelle, certaines entreprises ont développé des os et des articulations artificiels en matériaux composites à base de fibres de carbone. La résistance à la flexion de cet os artificiel est plus proche de celle d'un véritable os humain que de celle d'un os artificiel constitué d'autres matériaux biologiques, ce qui est d'une grande importance pour la médecine orthopédique. La résistance à l'usure de l'articulation artificielle qui en est faite au niveau de l'a...
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  • Feuille thermoplastique renforcée de fibres longues (LFT)
    Dec 05, 2022 Feuille thermoplastique renforcée de fibres longues (LFT)
    LFT information LFT sheet is a new generation of thermoplastic composite material after GMT (glass fiber felt reinforced thermoplastic) sheet. It is composed of long fiber as reinforcement material and polypropylene (PP), PA, PET as matrix material. Compared with GMT, LFT sheet has the following outstanding advantages: 1. The sheet has better fluidity in the pressing process, the manufacturing process is the same as GMT, and the basic performance is similar to GMT. 2, the sheet price is greatly reduced, more cost-effective. Compared with SMC (thermosetting sheet molding material), LFT has no storage time problem and the product can be recycled. For the same product, LFT is used to produce lighter quality, which can be reduced by 1/3. If used in the automotive field can effectively reduce the weight of the car to reduce fuel consumption! The molding cycle of SMC products is longer, the production cost of SMC products is relatively increased, and LFT has better toughness than SMC products. At the same time, the production site environment is significantly better than that of SMC. Although the unit price of the LFT is slightly higher than that of the SMC, the combined cost is comparable to that of the SMC. In the automobile industry and many fields, there is an urgent need for weight, environmental protection, recyclable, good impact toughness, etc., the above characteristics of LFT sheet is a new composite material which is very forward-looking in line with the global and Chinese development needs. LFT sheet using method and pressing process: 1, using the volume calculation method or density conversion method between different materials to calculate the product sheet dosage. 2. Cut the LFT sheet into a size roughly the same as the product area and weigh the additional sheet. 3. Preheat it at 220℃ for 8-12 minutes to make it soft. 4, take out, immediately put into the mold of the press, and quickly close the mold (mold temperature at about 90℃). 5. It can be removed 1-3 minutes after mold closing. 6, remove a small number of burrs, flying thorns, the product is ready. Principaux domaines d'application de la feuille LFT : 1, pièces automobiles : poutre de pare-chocs, squelette de siège, extrémité avant, squelette de tableau de bord, support de batterie, capot moteur, pédalier, plaque de porte intérieure, plaque de protection, support de bagage, cadre de roue de secours et autres 40. Types 2, gabarit de construction : gabarit coulé sur place, gabarit préfabriqué 3. Caisse d'emballage : plaque inférieure et plaque latérale du conteneur 4. Stades et équipements sportifs : sièges, skis, etc. 5, équipement chimique : composants de tour anticorrosion, filtre, composants de réacteur, etc. 6, appareils électroménagers : couverture extérieure de machine de climatisation, grille de câble, cadre, etc.
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  • Matériaux de communication 5G -- Plastiques composites renforcés de fibres longues LFT-PP
    Nov 30, 2022 Matériaux de communication 5G -- Plastiques composites renforcés de fibres longues LFT-PP
    Le réseau de communication 5G est arrivé, est une nouvelle science et technologie, le développement de matériaux polymères offre également de nouvelles opportunités, les fournisseurs de matériaux haute performance se préparent activement pour les matériaux nécessaires à la communication 5G. Parmi eux, le matériau composite renforcé de fibres longues LFT peut être utilisé dans le radôme de station de base 5G, le cadre d'équipement, le support, le filtre et d'autres aspects et est préféré. Aujourd'hui, nous allons parler du matériel LFT. 1. Definition and characteristics of LDT-PP long fiber reinforced thermoplastics (LFT) refers to long, continuous glass fibers, After special process is fully infiltrated by resin, wait until the strip, and then cut into a specific size glass fiber reinforced rubber particles or resin soaked long glass fiber strip directly molded or injection molding material. The length of glass fiber in LFT materials is generally more than 3 mm, and its application and development goal is to be used as semi-structural and structural materials. Among them, the LFT composites based on polypropylene PP have the advantages of light weight and high strength, easy manufacturing and cost optimization. As a new high performance engineering plastics, it has been widely used. Currently, it is the first choice of polymer matrix composites for automotive lightweight. FEATURE ADVANTAGE The fiber length is long and evenly distributed It can improve the comprehensive mechanical properties of molded products Light specific gravity It is 20% lighter than glass fiber reinforced nylon and 62% lighter than aluminum alloy The molding shrinkage is small Product size stability It can be recycled and reused Green and environmental friendly 2. Preparation process of LFT-PP According to the preparation technology, the LFT-PP high performance composites can be divided into two categories: LFT-G process and LFT-D-ILC process. 2.1 LDT-G process Firstly, through the mixing of resin, glass fiber and additives, LFT-G long fiber pellets are prepared by special melt impregnation composite method, and then the final product is finished by injection molding process. The fiber length of LFT varies with the processing process. Impact properties are particularly dependent on the length of the glass fiber. The length of commercial LFT-G colloidal particles is generally 6 ~ 25mm. The LDT-G composite supports semi-mechanism automotive applications, such as front end components, door components, instrument bearers, tailgate and seating systems, combining lightweight and functionality. 2.2 LFT-D-ILC process The LDT-D-ILC is called the long fiber reinforced thermoplastic material online molding process technology. This process, the online mixing system is integrated in the molding process, matrix particles and additives are transported to the gravimetric feeding unit combination, which ensures appropriate mixing according to the mechanical properties of the component requir...
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  • Les thermoplastiques à fibres longues réalisent leur potentiel
    Nov 24, 2022 Les thermoplastiques à fibres longues réalisent leur potentiel
    Long fiber thermoplastic (LFT) technology continues to develop. While automotive applications retain their market dominance, other industry areas are increasingly attracted by the promise of light weight and high strength - LFT PP compounds, for example, can offer lower cost alternatives to metals as well as higher cost technical engineered polymers. Continuous penetration of LFT PP compounds in the automotive sector According to a report released by AMI Consulting in September 2021, PP market penetration continues to rise. The report quantifies the use of LFT PP in granular form (LDT-G) and direct-in-line composite LFT PP (LDT-D) and tracks usage around the world. LFT PP is widely used in automotive front end mounts, dashboard mounts, door panels, consoles, pedals, underbody shields and many other automotive applications, the company said. One feature of these applications is that LFT PP is replacing steel - thereby reducing weight - or more expensive engineering plastics. AMI Consulting forecasts that LFT PP will maintain strong growth through 2025. Although growth rates vary across application segments, automotive Oems, and geographic markets. In the past, Europe was the leader in LFT sales, but that has changed. Asia accounts for 50% of global LFT PP demand in 2020, compared with 26% in Europe and 24% in the Americas (Table 1), according to the report. Table 1: Global LFT PP market distribution in the past 20 years One of the fastest growing application areas is lift doors for car trunks, which range in design from all metal to almost no metal. In metal-free designs, LFT PP is used to provide structural strength and is complemented by high performance PP to provide a paintable exterior skin. In the most demanding applications, the LFT PP elements within the structure are exposed and therefore require a good aesthetic finish. Plastic lift doors are especially valuable to electric car makers as a new way to reduce weight. The shift to electric and hybrid vehicles, while threatening some existing polymer applications, is also creating new opportunities for LFT PP as designers are rethinking concepts and adopting new approaches. The report cites the example of Tesla's "frunk" -- a back-up or storage compartment located at the front. This would make use of space in the front of the vehicle for storage, but would need to be designed with the ability of a traditional car's front end to absorb the impact of a crash. The strong interest in LFT materials from various industries is confirmed by RTP Inc., which offers a wide range of LFT materials. "Replacement metal parts or over-engineered short fiberglass compounds continue to be major growth opportunities," said Zach Halverson, Manager of the company's structured products business. For example, long fiber polypropylene compounds can often successfully replace short glass fiber polyamide compounds to provide a lower cost and lower density solution." Long fiber technology in engineering and high perfor...
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  • L'application du composite à fibres longues dans les sièges automobiles
    Nov 24, 2022 L'application du composite à fibres longues dans les sièges automobiles
    Ces dernières années, avec le développement rapide de l'industrie automobile, les diverses exigences des gens en matière de sièges d'auto continuent de s'améliorer, les sièges d'auto légers, multifonctionnels, la protection de l'environnement, le confort et la sécurité sont les besoins fondamentaux des sièges d'auto, par conséquent, ces aspects ont devenir progressivement la direction principale du développement des sièges d'auto. Le matériau composite à fibres longues est composé de résine et de matériau composite à fibres longues, avec une variété de caractéristiques, telles que haute résistance, faible densité, temps de production court et facile à former, adapté à la tendance actuelle du développement des sièges de voiture, donc dans l'automobile l'industrie, il est progressivement devenu le premier choix de matériaux de siège de voiture. 1. Aperçu des sièges auto Car seats are mainly composed of four parts: seat cover, seat pillow, seat foam and seat skeleton. In addition, due to different market demands, some seats also have armrests, waist brackets or massage and other related comfort components, and some seats have cuphorers, drawers and other storage functions. At present, the lightness, comfort and safety of car seat design are of great significance. However, most of the main materials of conventional seats are metal materials, which have high density and heavy weight. Therefore, the development space of improving the lightweight of car seats only by optimizing the structure and design is limited. Long fiber reinforced composite materials have excellent mechanical properties and can achieve significant lightweight effect. Therefore, they are gradually applied in the automotive field, not only in most simple non-important parts, but also in some complex shape functional parts, such as the seat frame and the front segment module. 2. The importance of automobile lightweight Automobile lightweight means that on the basis of the safety performance and strength of the automobile can be guaranteed, the overall weight of the automobile can be reduced to the maximum extent, so as to enhance the power of the automobile, and reduce emissions and fuel consumption. According to the relevant tests, the fuel quantity of the vehicle has the most direct relationship with the weight of the vehicle quilt itself. The fuel consumption of 100 kilometers can be reduced by 0. 2 and 0. 8 L for every 1 kg weight reduction of the vehicle, which is usually about 4. 5% of the original consumption. Therefore, under the background of environmental protection and energy saving in automobile development, the lightweight of automobile is of great significance in the design and manufacturing process of modern automobile. Car seat is one of the most important interior parts in automobile. According to the survey, the weight of the car seat in the entire body accounts for 15% of the proportion. Although the car seat occupies a small proportion in the total weight of the bo...
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